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IHI Nuclear Power Division;
A Leading Contributor to the Nuclear Energy Advance

IHI started nuclear business in 1955.

Since then;

- The most experienced RPV supplier in the BWR world.
21 units of RPV were provided by IHI for the global BWR plants. .)

- As well as the conventional technologies available, IHI develops and maintains the states of the art technology in the application of laser, robotics, etc., for in-situ use.

R&D, engineering & design, manufacturing, installation, maintenance services, modification, trial run, etc. for Nuclear Power Plant Components, New Type & Future Reactor Plant, Nuclear Fuel Cycle Plant, Spent Fuel Storage facility, and High Energy Physics Facility.

IHI has rich experience in BWR components and we also have the capability and experience for PWR and other reactor type components.

Please refer IHI Nuclear Power Division web page.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Number of employees:12000
Company type:Co.. Limited.
subsidiaries:IHI Southwest Technologies,Inc.(USA)

Year created:1853
Capital:65 billion yen
Qualifications:ASME N, NPT, NA, U, U2, S, ISO9001, ISO14001
Products: Conventional Inspection and Maintenance:
Condenser and heat exchanger tube plugs
Containement inspection and testing
Eddy current inspection
Freeze plugging
Heat Exchangers
Inspection and maintenance services
Inspection and maintenance tools
Machinery condition monitoring systems
Magnetic particle inspection
NDT equipment calibration and testing
Pipe inspection and repair
Radiographic inspection (Gamma)
Radiographic inspection (Neutron)
Radiographic inspection (X-ray)
Robotic equipment/manipulators
Spare parts management
Stud removal tools and services
Stud/Nuts/Bolts inspection
Ultrasonic couplants
Ultrasonic inspection

Fuel Cycle and High Level Waste:
Environmental impact assessment
Fuel consolidation
Fuel cycle facilities engineering
Geological analysis and research (waste storage)
HLW treatment
HLW treatment: Transuranic
HLW characterisation
HLW Interim storage
HLW storage
Reprocessing technology and engineering
Spent fuel storage casks
Spent fuel storage construction
Spent fuel storage design and engineering
Spent fuel storage, dry
Spent fuel storage, wet
Vitrification technology and equipment

Irradiation / Sources / Accelerators:
Accelerators accessories
Circular accelerator (cyclotron)

Power Plant Materials and Equipment (others):
Compressed air equipment and systems
Containment spray
Contract manufacturer
Cranes and lifting equipment
Doors, specialised
Feedwater heaters (high pressure)
Feedwater heaters (low pressure)
Heat exchangers
Large components, ferrous
Large components, non-ferrous
Machining equipment and services
Pressure vessels (other than reactor)
Scaffolding: advanced
Scaffolding: conventional
Seismic restraints and snubbers (other than pipes)
Storage tanks
Structural supports
Welding equipment, materials and services

Pumps / Valves / Pipes / Tubing:
Pipe stoppers
Piping shock absorbers
Piping snubbers
Piping supports
Piping systems engineering
Piping, class 1 or equivalent
Piping, class 2 or equivalent
Piping, class 3 or equivalent
Piping: fittings, flanges, joint and unions
Piping: primary piping and elbows
Seals (pumps and valves)

Reactors, NSSS Main Components:
BWR design and engineering
Fast Breeders design and engineering
High Temperature Gas cooled reactor design and engineerig
Reactor pressure vessel seal
Reactor pressure vessels

Specialised Inspection and Maintenance:
BWR internal core spray inspection
BWR Nozzle inspection
BWR shroud inspection
BWR shroud repair and replacement
Piping inspection
Pool liner inspection and repair
Pressurizer heaters replacement
Pressurizer inspection
Pressurizer nozzle replacement
Reactor internals inspection
RPV annealing
RPV closure head inspection
RPV drain
RPV flange
RPV head disassembly/reassembly
RPV inspection
RPV penetrations inspection
RPV stuck stud removal
RPV stud hole inspection
RPV stud hole repair
RPV welds inspection
SG bolt/stud/hole repair
SG eddy current inspection
SG feedwater nozzles inspection
SG manway/handhole
SG ultrasonic inspection
SG visual inspection
Specialised welding
Welding and machining (primary circuit)

Transport and Containers:
Spent fuel storage and shipping casks

Waste (other than Fuel and High Level):
LLW/ILW waste treatment, conditioning and disposal equipment
Storage tanks
Waste management consultant & engineering

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