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Nuclear Technology and Education Center (NuTEC)

Nuclear Technology and Education Center (NuTEC) of JAERI started in 1957, training courses on radioisotope and radiation in Tokyo Training Center in Komagome. The Tokai Training Center began training courses on nuclear reactor in 1958. Today, after more than 40 years, the activities of NuTEC are manifold, consisting of training courses for scientists and engineers ranging from reactor physics to radioactive waste management as well as nuclear hazard prevention and preparedness courses for the personnel related to local governments. International training courses have also been offered annually since 1983 in response to the increased needs in developing countries with major emphasis on Asian countries.
More than 45,000 participants have completed various courses offered by NuTEC. NuTEC will continue to provide the education and training necessary for the safe and secure uses of nuclear technology expecting to enhance the quality of life of human beings.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: 2-4,Tokai-mura
Year created:1958
Products: Training:
Health physics
Nuclear industry traning

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