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Saru Smelting Private Limited

Saru Metals is a prominent name in manufacturing of Lead and Cadmium in a variety of shapes and sizes these alloy available in bricks, sheets, foils, flasks, containers and shielding material which are used in the nuclear industry.

Saru Metals team is dedicated to provide the best possible solutions to customers need across a wide section of users ranging from the Electronics, Industrial, Automotive, Aerospace, Defence, Nuclear Industry etc.

Saru strives to become the industry leader in its various product lines. We are committed to provide excellent customer service and technical support through continuous investment in equipment and upgrading the skills of our manpower.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: Saru Nagar
Sardhana Road
Number of employees:55
Company type:Private Limited
Year created:1944
Qualifications:ISO 9001
Products: Health Physics (other than Radiation Detection):
Alpha/Beta shielding
Lead shielding
Neutron shielding

Neutron Absorbers:
Cadnium and Cadnium compounds
Indium and indium compounds

Transport and Containers:
Containers for hospital and lab use
Shield inserts
Spent fuel storage and shipping casks

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