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Amptek, Inc.

Amptek is a high technology company and a recognized world leader in the design and manufacture of state-of-the-art nuclear instrumentation for the satellite, X-ray and Gamma ray detection, laboratory, analytical, and portable instrumentation industries.

Taking advantage of its experience in building hybrid circuits and satellite instrumentation Amptek developed the XR-100 X-ray detector for commercial use. This award winning, simple to use, thermoelectrically cooled X-ray detector has been the technological breakthrough that is responsible for replacing the cumbersome liquid nitrogen cooled detectors in many applications. Although developed for commercial use the XR-100 was selected for the Pathfinder Mission to Mars where it successfully analyzed rocks and soil using X-Ray Fluorescence techniques (XRF). This successful instrument is becoming the detector of choice in numerous OEM applications using the XRF method.

Other innovative products from Amptek have been the “Pocket MCA” Multichannel Analyzer for spectral analysis, the GAMMA-X and ROVER complete battery operated Gamma ray and X-ray spectroscopy systems, and the MD-501 & MD-502 electron and ion detectors.

Applications include: process control, semiconductor processing, toxic dump site analysis, lead detectors, nuclear plant monitoring, environmental monitors, scanning electron microscopes (SEM), portable instruments, oil logging, research experiments & teaching, art & archaeology, smokestack analysis.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: 14 De Angelo Drive
Number of employees:20
Company type:private
Year created:1978
Products: Decommissioning:
Surveillance and monitoring systems

Laboratory, Test and Research Reactor Equipment:
Laboratory equipment
Materials testing equipment

Nuclear medecine accessories
Radiation measurement products (Nuclear medecine applications)
X-ray systems and associated equipment

Nuclear Instrumentation and Radiation Detection:
Gamma detectors
Gammaspectrometers/Multi Channel Analyzers
Gammaspectrometers/Multi Channel Analyzers (portable)
Off-site radioactivity monitoring system
Waste radiation monitoring
X-ray detection and measurement

Waste (other than Fuel and High Level):
Leach testing
Repository site assessment and characterisation

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