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Servotest have sold many Multi Axis Shake Table systems all over the world. These are usually 6 degrees of freedom systems, with table size and number of actuators varying according to the customer’s exact specifications. They are usually used for seismic simulation, though other uses are possible.

Our state-of-the-art Digital Control System controls high-performance actuators to give precision control of the x, y, z axes & roll, pitch and yaw. Independent or simultaneous control of each axis is possible. The systems are designed to precisely reproduce actual seismic conditions to test the ability of the specimen to withstand earthquake inputs. In addition to earthquake reproduction, random time history generation, shock pulse generation and multi-channel sine sweeps can be created quickly and easily. Servotest’s training programme helps the customer’s engineers to use their system to its full potential.

This market-leading research gives engineers an invaluable insight into one of Mother Nature’s greatest threats. With their expertise and experience in servohydraulic systems and continual software development to ensure the most advanced digital control on the planet, Servotest are the foremost supplier of seismic research equipment in the world. They also manufacture a wide range of fatigue and motion simulation systems.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: 1 Beta Way
Thorpe Industrial Park
TW20 8RE
Year created:1958
Products: Laboratory, Test and Research Reactor Equipment:
Seismic testing/Vibration laboratory

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