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Astro-Med, inc

Astro-Med, Inc., Test & Measurement Product Group is a leading supplier of specialty printer solutions to customers around the world. Test & Measurement Product Group customers include leading aircraft manufacturers and aerospace suppliers such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin, British Aerospace and Aerospatiale; automotive manufacturers and suppliers such as DaimlerChrysler, Ford, General Motors, Renault and Robert Bosch; telecommunications giants such as AT&T, Bell Atlantic, MCI and British Telecom; electrical utility companies including Hydro Quebec and Florida Power & Light; steel companies including USX, Posco and Bethlehem Steel; aluminum manufacturers such as Alcoa and Wise Alloys; and paper manufacturers including International Paper, Kimberly-Clark and Mead.

Test & Measurement Product Group customers include Fortune 500 companies as well as small operations. They are located around the world, wherever there exists a problem which can be solved by a Test & Measurement Product Group specialty printer.

Test & Measurement Product Group is a growth oriented company which believes in vigorous new product development, in high quality products and total customer satisfaction.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: 600 East Greenwich Ave.
West Warwick, RI
Number of employees:390
Company type:public
Year created:1971
Products: Power Plant Instrumentation and Control:
Data Acquisition Systems
Rod drop testing

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