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PPG (formerly Ameron Coatings)

Ameron International is a multinational manufacturer of highly engineered products for the building, construction and industrial markets: high performance coatings. Ameron operates worldwide with offices in North and South America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Australia.
The Performance Coatings & Finishes division from Ameron serves industries such as oil and gas production, refining, petrochemical processing, marine and offshore, power plants, bridges, railroads, infrastructure maintenance, general manufacturing and municipal water and waste treatment.
Ameron epoxies were the first coatings that met the requirements for in the reactor of the Nuclear Power plants, like resistant to temperature, chemicals and radiation. Since then Ameron supplied coatings to many nuclear plants around the world. Today Ameron coatings are used in power plants of every kind to protect structural steel, floors, walls, tank interiors and exteriors, water treatment areas, stacks, piping – wherever long-term protection is needed.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: J.F. Kennedylaan 7
4191 MZ
Country:The Netherlands
Number of employees:250
Company type:B.V.
Qualifications:ISO 9001 and ISO 140001
Products: Access control / Security / Fire protection:
Fire protection coatings and paint

Cleaning / Decontamination:
Strippable/special coatings

Power Plant Materials and Equipment (others):
Coatings (Floors, wall, steel,etc)

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