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HTG/Hitech Aero

HI TecMetal Group is a pioneering specialist in the fields of brazing, heat treating, and welding. With multiple technologies and specialized processes created, each location offers unique combination of thermal processing disciplines. Our experience and technological knowledge enables us to solve your most demanding engineering challenges.

Since the 1943, Hi TecMetal Group (fka Technical Metal Processing) has been the leading supplier of brazing, thermal processing and welding services. HTG is a one-stop shop for automotive, aerospace, food, fluid power and other industries. Our company is characterized by its unique history, its commitment to providing state of the art technical processing and engineering services. By providing technical expertise, designed to optimize the most challenging metal joining and heat treating problems, HTG delivers value to its customers. We guarantee improved designs that will exceed your needs and expectations.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: 34800 Lakeland Blvd.
Number of employees:18
Company type:private
Year created:1943
Qualifications:AS9100, ISO9001, NADCAP

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