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Mech-Tool EngineeringLtd

Established in 1969, Mech-Tool is a pioneer in the design of fire,blast and acoustic protection, using the latest technology and modelling techniques with an ongoing commitment to research and development.
Mech-Tool Engineering employs a highly skilled, experienced team of designers, engineers, project and quality assurance personnel working within ISO 9001 accredited standards.
International recognition with a presence through agents in the Far East, Middle East, Australia and France.

The company has reorganised and diversified in recent years and will have a turn-over of £15m+ in 2008-9 with an equally significant order book for 2009-10. It has doubled the number of employees in the same period.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: Whessoe Rd
Number of employees:180
Company type:limited
Ownership 1:privately owned
Year created:1969
Qualifications:ISO 9001, Lloyds rated for fire protection

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