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EnergySolutions EU Ltd

EnergySolutions EU Ltd is the international organization, with main office in Swindon, UK, for providing nuclear reactor, radioactive waste management, radiological engineering, and decommmissioning services to UK and European nuclear facilities. The company manages the UK's 10 Magnox reactor sites on behalf of the UK's Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) and services encompass nuclear reactor operations and transition of sites towards decommissioning. Activities include:
- Power generation
- Defuelling
- Intermediate level waste (ILW) retrieval and storage
- Radiological and industrial hazard reduction
- Transportation, storage, and dispsoal of radioactive waste
- Implementation of innovative nuclear material and waste solutions

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: 1st Floor, Stella Bldg.
Windmill Hill Business Park
Whitehill Way
Number of employees:3000
Company type:Limited
subsidiaries:- EnergySolutions EU Services Ltd
- Reactor Sites Management Company, Ltd

Year created:2005
Qualifications:ISO 9001:2008

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