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Corinium HR Management Ltd

Corinium HR Management is an experienced consultancy offering a wide range of Human Resource services and solutions. Established in 1996, we have a team of professionally qualified consultants who specialise in people development.

We offer guidance, assistance and solutions, efficiently, cost effectively and to a high standard. We have earned a reputation for providing first class consultancy and training services and have amongst our client list many internationally renowned companies from across a range of business sectors from utilities and financial services, engineering and manufacturing, to public sector and charities. We are equally proud of our work for our smaller clients some of whom have no specialist in-house HR team of their own.

Our business is to help companies develop their people - from assessing candidates at the recruitment stage, through to performance management processes, management development and succession management. We provide methods to assess, train and develop both individuals and groups. And we design the solutions that can fulfil those needs appropriate to the particular organisation.

We are an approved provider of the Institute of Leadership and Management endorsed and development awards. This means we could get external recognition for some or all of the courses and modules. On successful completion delegates would receive a certificate from the Institute of Leadership and Management. Further information on this option is available on request.

As an organisation, we are committed to three clear aims:

•to provide clients with honest, practical advice and solutions,
•to ensure our solutions support the clients wider business objectives, and
•to work in partnership with clients, supporting and complementing their own internal resources.

Amongst others, our public sector clients include UK Atomic Energy Authority, Civil Nuclear Constabulary, DSRL, RWE, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the Economic and Social Research Council.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: Barton Hall
29 Gloucester Street
Number of employees:5
Company type:Limited Company
Ownership 1:100% Company 1

Year created:1998
Qualifications:CIPD, ILM, BPS, working on ISO9001

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