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Currently, we are one of the main instruments distributors in the markets for Nuclear PP, Research, Radioprotection and Medical systems markets.

During 15 years PROIMAGEN owners were the local distributors of GE Medical Systems, until they got the 50% market share, then GE came to Argentina with his own branch. Afterwards, PROIMAGEN got the SHIMADZU (Japan) representation and others as DWL (Germany), Demetech (Germany), Planmeca&Planmed (Finland), VARIAN Linacs, etc.

From the very beginning, PROIMAGEN is installing and repairing big medical instruments as Magnetic Resonance Imagers, CT Scanners, Linear Accelerators, X-Ray systems, Radiosurgery machines, etc., as also projects and buildings of Hospital & Clinics.

Regarding the Nuclear market fields, is representing manufacturers of Nuclear Spectrometric systems, Radioprotection systems, Perforation and Prospecting equipments for Uranium core search, etc.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: Boyaca 971
C.A. de Buenos Aires
Number of employees:15
Company type:Private
Ownership 1:50%
Ownership 2:30%
Ownership 3:20%
Ownership 4:-
subsidiaries:PROIBRAS (in Brazil):

Year created:1990
Capital:USD 500,000.00
Qualifications:ANMAT GMP

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