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INS - International Nuclear Services Ltd

International Nuclear Services Limited (INS) has extensive and proven expertise in irradiated fuel management and nuclear material transportation. This expertise enables us to offer a wide range of specialist services to our customers. We have the capability to offer our customers a range of consultancy services, strategic assessments and feasibility studies relating to irradiated fuel management and transportation. We also support utility customers and government agencies with advice on the strategic and technical options relating to the back end of the fuel cycle.

INS has significant experience of package selection, design, engineering, licensing and operations. We provide a complete range of flask services that meet the appropriate regulations and our customers’ requirements, with over 40 years experience of providing services to customers in the UK and overseas. Our experience includes packages for a wide range of materials, from fresh uranium and MOX fuel to irradiated fuel and high level waste. We also have the expertise to provide customers with specialist services associated with the transport of nuclear material, including safety, security, logistical services and 24/7 emergency response support.

INS is also the commercial arm of the NDA, managing NDA’s contracts with UK and overseas customers for services from the Sellafield and Dounreay sites.

We also work closely with our NDA sister companies Direct Rail Services (DRS) and Radioactive Waste Management Directorate (RWMD) on both a consultative and commercial basis.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: Hinton House
Birchwood Park Avenue
Number of employees:150
Company type:Limited
Ownership 1:100% - NDA
subsidiaries:PNTL Ltd

Year created:2008
Qualifications:BS EN ISO 9001:2008

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