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Analytical & Diagnostic Products CC

Analytical & Diagnostic Products (A.D.P.) was established in 1995 initially offering the Nuclear range of Analytical, Diagnostic and Research products from Canberra, Packard, Bioscan, EIChroM, and Cavro to the associated Laboratories in Southern Africa. In keeping with the trend to move towards non-isotopic methodologies ADP have expanded their instrument range and are now also representing BioTek Instruments (Microplate Instrumentation), BMG Technologies, Alpha Innotech (Digital Imaging Systems) and Biotrace / 3M (Hygiene Monitoring Instruments and Reagents). To fully support our customers we are now also offering an extensive range of diagnostic screening kits and reagents from BioX and Neogen for Veterinary and Agricultural industries.

Comprehensive product training for all our customers, is provided by our in-house technical staff that have received factory training and are experienced in Chromatography, Image Analysis, Luminescence, Immunoassay (ELISA, FIA, LIA & RIA)and Nuclear technologies.

Analytical & Diagnostic Products is committed to providing their customers with cost effective instrumentation and associated consumable items. We have a vast number of instrumentation installed at various laboratories, which can be used as reference sites. These instruments are used in applications used in industries ranging from private pathology laboratories, universities, veterinary / agricultural institutes, animal feed, food and beverage industry and many more.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: P O Box 6378
Weltevreden Park
Country:South Africa
Number of employees:7
Company type:Closed Corporation
Ownership 1:100% Garth Todd

Year created:1995
Products: Access control / Security / Fire protection:
Safeguard consultancy/systems

Health Physics (other than Radiation Detection):
Air monitoring and samplers
Gamma imaging
Hand held monitoring equipment
Monitors, hand feet body surface
Tritium monitoring
Whole Body Counters

Irradiation / Sources / Accelerators:
Sources: calibration

Nuclear Instrumentation and Radiation Detection:
Alpha detectors
Alpha/Beta counting systems
Bags radiation monitoring
Beta detectors
Coolant activity/monitoring systems
Gamma detectors
Gamma-Ray analysis software
Gammaspectrometers/Multi Channel Analyzers
Gammaspectrometers/Multi Channel Analyzers (portable)
Gate monitors
Imaging for biological applications
Laundry radiation monitoring
Mobile radiological monitoring laboratory
Neutron detectors, Out of core
Off-site radioactivity monitoring system
Proportional counters
Radiation detection engineering
Radiation monitoring gates for cars/trucks
Sample radiation analysis
Scintilliation detectors
Signal/pulse generators
Tool monitors
Turnkey radiation detection systems
Vehicle monitors
Ventilation radiation monitoring
Waste radiation monitoring

Power Plant Electrical Devices:
Power supplies

Radiation detection and measurement

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