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Bioscan is an innovator in the design of radioisotope analysis instrumentation and automated systems for PET, Nuclear Medicine, and Life Science research. We offer a broad range of products including synthesizers for both Flourine-18 and Carbon-11 labeled compounds and HPLC / TLC instrumentation for radiochemical analysis and quality control. Our instruments are designed with the flexibility you need to solve everyday laboratory problems and our technical specialists can help you find solutions for your research, production, and quality control requirements.

Bioscan’s synthesis systems include the AutoLoop system for Carbon-11 methylation, Grignard and Flourine-18 fluroalkylations chemistries, and the MeI-Plus Carbon-11 methyl iodide/methyl triflate production system.

Our analytical instruments include both HPLC and TLC detectors for research with radiolabeled compounds. Applications include monitoring of product purity for PET compounds, standard gamma labeled imaging agents, and therapeutics labeled with either gamma or beta emitters. We also have specialized detectors for in-process monitoring of Curie level chemistry and for very low-level PET tracer metabolites separated by HPLC. The AR-2000 TLC Imaging Scanner is the “gold standard” for quantitative work with all isotopes, including tritium. LSC and gamma counting are also available in a unique, easy-to-use single-well counter.

Bioscan technical and service support provides installation and training on all of our products as well as specialized consulting on specific chemistries and applications. For more information on all of our products, please visit our web site at or e-mail us at

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: 4590 MacArthur Blvd.
Washington, D.C.
Number of employees:25
Company type:Corporation
Year created:1979
Products: Laboratory, Test and Research Reactor Equipment:
Laboratory equipment

PET lab equipment
PET systems
Radiation measurement products (Nuclear medecine applications)

Nuclear Instrumentation and Radiation Detection:
Air monitors
Alpha detectors
Beta detectors
Gamma detectors
Proportional counters
Scintilliation detectors

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