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RPS, Inc. (Radiation Protection Systems, Inc.)

Radiation Protection Systems (RPS) has been developing and implementing engineered controls for radiological and hazardous material applications since 1978. We are a Veteran-Owned small business. Our clients include every U.S. and Canadian Commercial Nuclear Utility, every major U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) site, U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), Center for Disease Control (CDC), Universities, pharmaceutical and biopharma research, and manufacturing companies. Our roots are in both military and civilian nuclear programs commencing with development of the naval nuclear programs of the 1950’s and continuing into the commercial power reactor field. Today RPS continues to provide quality equipment and methods to confine, contain and control radioactive and hazardous contaminants.
Engineering Controls are defined as devices, systems, and/or controls that will preclude the release of a hazardous material or substance to the workplace or environment, thereby protecting the worker and the population in general from a hazardous exposure. Engineered Controls are designed to integrate or complement a work process or operation, such that the controls function without inhibiting the work process and may enhance the work process when compared to utilizing PPE's. With today’s increased pressure to reduce exposure, RPS’ engineered controls offer a safe and cost-effective way to further minimize exposure while improve worker and workplace efficiency.
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Address: P.O. Box 890
60 Leonard Drive
Year created:1978
Products: Analysis, Consultancy, Specialist Services:
Nuclear engineering

Cleaning / Decontamination:
Cleaning/Decontamination equipment
High pressure cleaning/decontamination

Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning (HVAC):
Air handling units
Charcoal/activated carbon filters
Ductwork, piping & supports
Emergency ventilation systems
Fans & blowers
Flexible ventilation hose
Flters and Filtration units
HEPA Filters and Ventilation sound attenuators
Portable nuclear air treatment systems
Radioiodine adsorbents
Specialty adsorbents

Laboratory, Test and Research Reactor Equipment:
Glove box/Hoods equipment

Maintenance optimization

Waste (other than Fuel and High Level):
LLW/ILW waste treatment, conditioning and disposal equipment
Waste management systems design

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