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Union Pumps (David Brown Guinard pumps)

DAVID BROWN GUINARD PUMPS SAS is part of Fluid and Power division of TEXTRON group.
The manufacturing facility,located in Annecy, France, has origins that date back to 1919.

-Research and development (noiseless pumps, inducers, and ceramic bearings)
-Design of pumping units
-After sales service (surveys, spare parts, technical assistance, revamping...)

Typical Markets:
-Oil and gas industry (since 1919)
-Nuclear power stations (since 1964)
-Sea water desalination system

Main customers in Nuclear market: FRAMATOME, EDF
Key products: Charging pumps, Safety related pumps...
Many references in France, Belgium, China, South Africa, Finland.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: 39 avenue du Pont de Tasset
ZAE de Meythet - BP 435
Number of employees:250
Company type:private
Ownership 1:100% Textron
Year created:1919
Qualifications:ISO9001 v2000, RCCM, ASME
Products: Pumps / Valves / Pipes / Tubing:
Pump: Centrifugal
Pump: Diaphragm
Pump: High pressure
Pump: Peristaltic
Pumps - Valves - Pipes installation and testing services
Pumps, class 1 or equivalent
Pumps, class 2 or equivalent
Pumps, class 3 or equivalent
Pumps: Vaccum

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