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Nuclear Shields B.V.

Nuclear Shields is part of the Van Mullekom Group which was founded in The Netherlands in 1978. The company is privately owned and has factories and offices in the USA, Australia, The Netherlands and The Czech Republic. All factories share a common ground in engineering and radiation shielding that can be applied to many different industries, such as the healthcare, homeland security and nuclear industry. Nuclear Shields is a seller of a wide range of products regarding the shielding of radioactivity. Our products range from hot lab necessities and radiation shielding, to radiation detection and radiation cleanup solutions.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: Akkervoortweg 5
Country:The Netherlands
Number of employees:30
Company type:Private
Ownership 1:100% Van Mullekom Holding B.V.
subsidiaries:Nuclear Fields International B.V.
Nuclear Fields USA
Nuclear Fields Australia

Year created:1978
Products: Health Physics (other than Radiation Detection):
Alpha/Beta shielding
Lead glass/plastic and shielding windows
Lead shielding
Shielding engineering and design

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