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National Co-operative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste (Nagra)

Nagra is responsible for disposal of the very wide spectrum of radioactive wastes arising in Switzerland. Over a period of 30 years, two deep geological repository projects have been established, one for HLW/ SF / TRU (at the stage of demonstration of site feasibility) and one for L/ILW (awaiting local permits to move to underground characterisation and application for a general license). An integrated support programme includes R&D in special facilities (e.g. underground test sites at Grimsel and Mt. Terri, special laboratories), model and database development and testing (e.g. natural analogues), state-of-the-art field work (e.g. deep boreholes, geophysics) and communication of work to all stakeholders.

Nagra offers a wide range of commercial services in nuclear waste disposal and related fields, based on a multinational staff with a wide range of technical backgrounds and generally about 10 - 25 years direct experience in various aspects of nuclear waste management. Special areas of expertise include inventory development, site selection and characterisation, repository design and total system performance assessment.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: Hardstrasse 73
Year created:1972
Products: Analysis, Consultancy, Specialist Services:
Chemical and radiochemistry
Probabilistic Risk and Safety Assessment

Fuel Cycle and High Level Waste:
Deep geologic repository construction
Deep geologic repository engineering & design
Deep geologic repository licensing
Deep geologic repository operation
Deep geologic repository siting
Environmental impact assessment
Geological analysis and research (waste storage)
HLW characterisation

Internet / Translation / Public Relations:
Public Relation in Nuclear field
Translation of websites and brochures


Waste (other than Fuel and High Level):
Cement characterization and testing
Environmental impact assessment
LLW/ILW waste disposal services
Repository site assessment and characterisation
Repository site construction
Repository site design and engineering
Repository site licensing consultants
Repository site safety assessment
Waste management consultant & engineering
Waste management systems design

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