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TLG Services Inc

TLG Services, now a part of Entergy Nuclear, Inc., is an internationally recognized consulting resource in the commercial nuclear decommissioning and decontamination industry. Its technical expertise includes cost estimating, expert testimony, program planning, and field management of decontamination operations. TLG's projects include both nuclear and fossil-fueled power plants, small research facilities, and government D&D projects.

TLG has prepared the confidential decommissioning cost estimates for over 90% of the U.S. commercial nuclear power reactors. It has also prepared cost and schedule projections, risk analyses, decommissioning plans, and technical procedures for all phases of facility decontamination. Please see out web site for further information and a description of our proprietary cost calculating computer code program.

Address: 148 New Milford Rd. East
Bridgewater, CT
Ownership 1:100% Entergy
Year created:1982
Products: Analysis, Consultancy, Specialist Services:
Economics studies

Decommissioning/Dismantling of small facilities/laboratories
Front end engineering
Initial characterization of installation
Main contractor/design engineer for decommissioning projects
Policies and strategies studies
Social Impact studies

Health Physics (other than Radiation Detection):
HP services
Radioprotection planning, analysis and engineering

Health physics

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