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GE Inspection Technologies (Formerly Everest VIT Inc (USA))

Everest VIT has an extensive range of remote visual inspection products and services that access hazardous or unreachable areas within power plants, then quickly inspect, detect and evaluate trouble spots. Our products and services save time and money by minimizing or eliminating the need to take a system out of service. They make it safe for personnel to inspect a problem or retrieve loose parts.

Downtime is minimized during planned and unplanned outages - inspections are quick and efficient with our lightweight, portable and easy-to-use equipment. And despite the fact that our versatile tools are knocking around cavernous nuclear reactors and maneuvering through steam turbines, they keep on performing to get the job done.

We also offer on-site inspection services via a staff of highly trained remote imaging specialists available 24 x 7 to assist in preventive maintenance, planned outages, state or federal compliance issues and emergency services. For example, our specialists recently helped several nuclear power utilities complete a general inspection of the internal and external surface areas of their containment buildings, meeting ASME'S IWE/IWL code requirements. All of our field-ready inspection devices are available for rental as well.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: 50 Industrial Park Road
Lewistown, PA
Number of employees:150
Ownership 1:100% General Electrics
Year created:1999
Products: Analysis, Consultancy, Specialist Services:
Balance of plant
QA/QC and QA/QC audits

Cleaning / Decontamination:
Cleaning/Decontamination equipment
Foreign object retrieval (pools)
Foreign object retrieval (Steam Generators)
Foreign object retrieval (vessel)

Conventional Inspection and Maintenance:
Concrete inspection and repair
Containement inspection and testing
Eddy current inspection
Inspection and maintenance services
Inspection and maintenance tools
Outage management services
Pipe crawlers
Pipe inspection and repair
Robotic equipment/manipulators
Turbine inspection and maintenance
Ultrasonic inspection
Visual inspection and cameras (non radiation resistant)
Visual inspection and cameras (radiation resistant)

Fuel Cycle and High Level Waste:
Fuel inspection equipment and services (spent fuel)

Specialised Inspection and Maintenance:
BWR shroud inspection
Piping inspection
Pool liner inspection and repair
Reactor internals inspection
Remote underwater vehicles
RPV inspection
RPV welds inspection
SG part retrievals (secondary)

Non Destructive Testing

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