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Springfield Fuels Ltd (Westinghouse)

Processing several thousand tonnes of uranium a year, UK Fuel Business, based at Springfields has the experience and technology to manufacture fuel for all major designs of nuclear reactor across the globe.

UK Fuel Business has produced fuel for all of Britain's nuclear power stations as well as fuel and intermediate uranium products for overseas customers.

Springfields near Preston was the first plant in the world to make nuclear fuel and to date has produced several million fuel elements and provided products and services for over 140 reactors in more than 12 countries.

In November 1999, following the acquisition of Westinghouse by BNFL and their American partners, Morrison Knudsen, Springfields became the UK Fuel Business of the Westinghouse Nuclear Fuel Business Unit.

Address: Nuclear Fuel
Springfields, Salwick Preston
Number of employees:1800
Company type:plc
Ownership 1:100% BNFL
Year created:1971
Qualifications:ISO9001; ISO14001
Products: Analysis, Consultancy, Specialist Services:
Upgrading engineering and services

Fuel Cycle and High Level Waste:
Core analysis and fuel management codes
Enrichment technology and engineering
Fuel assemblies: conventional (PWR/BWR)
Fuel assemblies: Gas reactors
Fuel assemblies: heavy water reactor
Fuel assemblies: research reactors
Fuel cladding
Fuel consolidation
Fuel cycle facilities engineering
Fuel design
Fuel engineering
Fuel inspection equipment and services (spent fuel)
Fuel management software
Fuel performance analysis
Fuel racks
Fuel testing and research
Thorium and thorium fuels
Uranium brokers and traders
Uranium conversion to UF6
Uranium enrichment, centrifuge plants
Uranium enrichment, gaseous diffusion plants
Uranium mining and supply
Uranium oxide
Vitrification technology and equipment

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