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ITT Industries - Engineered Valves

Engineered Valves has earned a reputation for delivering high quality, innovative valve solutions for a wide range of industrial fluid control needs. These high quality valves for industries such as chemical processing, power generation, pulp and paper, water treatment, pollution control, pharmaceutical and bioprocessing, have been the standard for manufacturers for more than 45 years.
Our product lines include: Dia-Flo Diaphragm Valves, Pure-Flo Hygienic Diaphragm Valves, Cm-Tite Ball Valves, Cam-Line Plastic-Lined Ball Valves, Fabri-Valve Knife-Gate, Slide-Gate & Custom-Fabricated Valves, Skotch Burner Safety Shut-Off Valves and Richter Plastic-Lined Valves & Accessories.

Address: 33 Centerville Road
Lancaster, PA
Qualifications:ASME, ISO9001
Products: Pumps / Valves / Pipes / Tubing:
Valves, class 2 or equivalent
Valves, class 3 or equivalent
Valves: Ball
Valves: diaphragm
Valves: Gate

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