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Reel SA

REEL SAS design, manufacture and service various handling equipment for Nuclear Power Plant and other nuclear facilities (reprocessing plant, fuel plant, fuel storage facilities, research reactor) such as :

Equipment of the Fuel handling System of NPP :
Refueling Machine, Spent Fuel Pit Bridge, Fuel Transfer system, storage racks, sipping machines, fuel and fuel insert handling tools,...

Crane for the Fuel Building and the Reactor Building of NPP :
Polar Crane
FB Auxiliary Crane
FB heavy crane

Fabrication of Reactor Internals (Guide tubes,...)

Fabrication of cask and container to transport Spent fuels and new fuels

Fabrication of complex mechanisms for nuclear application.

High safety cranes and handling devices

Robotic (handling system for hot cells)

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: chemin de la chaux
F 69450
Number of employees:580
Company type:SAS
Ownership 1:100 % family owned
subsidiaries:REEL UK (100 % : On the Bristish market for aeronautic
AXXO (100 %) : Services for nuclear facilities and industrial facilities

Year created:1946
Capital:6 M€
Qualifications:ISO 9001, KTA, EDF K1,...
Products: Conventional Inspection and Maintenance:
Inspection and maintenance services
Refueling equipment maintenance

Fuel Cycle and High Level Waste:
Fuel racks
Refueling equipment and manipulators

Power Plant Materials and Equipment (others):
Cranes and lifting equipment

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