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TW Mazel specialises in the manufacture of Radishield, a Radiation Protection System An encapsulated system, Radishield provides flexible shielding in both accessible and restricted areas where traditional methods of shielding are difficult to provide. Available in flat sheets of various sizes and profiles, together with bespoke moulded units Radishield provides the solution for many shielding applications.

•High flexibility in sheet form means it can be fitted into confined areas.
•Factory designed and manufactured means low on-site installation time – lower labour costs.
•An encased system that is hermetically sealed means no sharp edges and no surface oxidation of lead.
•Impermeable to water, dirt and other contaminants.
•Complete protection guaranteed by the fact the shielding material cannot slip to the bottom as with conventional systems.
•Available in CAD designed bespoke moulded units.
•Easily cleaned without specialised labour means Radishield can be used over and over again.
•Available in Silicone, Polyurethane or Lead free versions.
•Reduces exposure rates.

Used throughout the world in many nuclear establishments Radishield is a proven, economic and innovative shielding system. The increased exposure whilst constructing the shield is minimised with Radishield. In many applications personnel need only walk into an area which requires shielding and quickly fit pre-moulded units to pipelines or drape and wrap Radishield flat sheets over the source of contamination. Protection of both personnel and equipment is made easier and safer with Radishield.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: 3 Shipton Way
Express Business Park
Northampton Road
NN10 6LG
Products: Health Physics (other than Radiation Detection):
General HP supplies
Shielding engineering and design

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