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Uticom Systems Incorporated

Uticom Systems Inc. is a full line manufacturer of nuclear grade graphics- specializing in Health Physics / Radiation Protection, Rad Waste and Operations.
Applications include: valve tags, instrument and component labels, blocking/lockout tags, control room graphics, door signs, pipe markers, pocket signs ( interior and exterior grades), rad waste markers, DOT markings, personal protection graphics, conduit and raceway markers, junction box markers, radioactive material tags, confined space signs, floor drain plates, penetration seals, containment grade graphics, cable markers, security postings, step off pads, calibration markers, magnetic mount holders, floor and barricade tapes, hard hat decals, safety signs, deficiency tags, warehouse and inventory tags, on site labeling systems.

Quality assurance per 10CFR50 and low halogen/low melting point metals content certified per IEEE 323, ANSI N45.2, US Reg. Guide 1.38 and independent lab tests. Incinerable materials available. Uticom has a complete in house design department that can help create site specific graphics out of durable, approved materials.

Address: 109 Independence Way
Coatesville, Pa
Number of employees:20
Company type:Corporation
Ownership 1:Paul Keeler
Year created:1987
Qualifications:IEEE323, ANSI N45.2, US Reg. Guide 1.38
Products: Access control / Security / Fire protection:
Access control and security engineering

Health Physics (other than Radiation Detection):
General HP supplies
Self-Luminous Signs (Tritium)
Tape, Labels & Signs

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