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Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (Taiwan)

Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (INER) is a governmental institute specialized in nuclear technology R&D. The institute was formally established in July 1968 and is under the administration of Atomic Energy Council (AEC)of the Republic of China (ROC). INER is located in the scenic place near Shimen Dam in Lungtan, Taoyuan. In the past years, under the guidance of AEC, INER's goals are set as: to apply nuclear technology, to improve civilian welfare, and to assure nuclear safety. The R&D dedications in INER can be classfied into five fields: Nuclear Engineering Technology, Nuclear Safety, Radiation Protection and Detection, Radioactive Waste Treatment, and Nuclear Civilian Applications. The newly established TRR-II Project is a longterm project for the improvement of Taiwan Reasearch Reactor for new R&D applications.
For many years, in addition to the R&D on nuclear related technology, INER's outstanding non-nuclear achievements can be found in the fields of medical health, resource recovery, enviromental protection, public safety & accident prevention techniques, chemical analyses, and photoelectric science, etc. The results were fruitful. To upgrade domestic industries and to benefit the public, INER aggressively accepted contract work from outside companies and INER also transferred technologies and provided services to outside companies.
In recent years, in order to promote the public understanding of nuclear energy and to its application, INER is entirely open for the public. INER had put a very strong emphasis on the work of public relations and had facilitated the public to better understand INER. In reality, for the welfare of the public, INER's R&D results and techniques accumulated in the past 30 years have been widely applied to many projects outside of INER. The applications developed and provided at INER include:
(1) Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) technology,
(2) Nuclear power plant core management and safety analysis technology,
(3) Dedication of nuclear grade components,
(4) Non-destructive examination technology,
(5) Pipe erosion/corrosion evaluation technology,
(6) Radiation detection system and instrumentation technology,
(7) High efficiency radioactive waste solidification technology,
(8) Surface science research and plasma coating technology,
(9) Cyclotron and radioisotope pharmaceutical manufacture,
(10) Neutron activation analysis technology,
(11) Plasma incineration technology.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: P.O. Box 3
1000 Wen-hua Road
Chiaan Village
Lungtan, Taoyuan
Number of employees:1100
Company type:Governmental Research Agency
Year created:1968
Qualifications:ISO9001, ISO14001
Products: Laboratory, Test and Research Reactor Equipment:
Nuclear Research Center

Specialised Inspection and Maintenance:
BWR shroud inspection

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