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Wilde & Partners

Wilde & Partners have many years of experience in design for seismic loading, particularly for the nuclear industry. Much of this work has been in the field of seismic qualification of safety related structures and plant. As part of this qualification process, all safety related buildings and plant must be analysed in detail by subjecting numerical models to a representation of the earthquake loading. This process imposes guidelines and codes of practice that are unique to the industry. Wilde & Partners has a comprehensive knowledge of the seismic qualification techniques necessary to satisfy suppliers to the nuclear industry as well as the various regulatory bodies.

Wilde & Partners offer a comprehensive finite element analysis service.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: Brindley Lodge
Adcroft Street
Number of employees:40
Company type:Limited
Year created:1980
Products: Human Resources:
Contract personnel
Contract personnel (engineering)
Jobs website (industry)
Recruitment (Executives/Professionals/Engineers)
Recruitment (Technicians)

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