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Nuvotec (Formerly Technical Resources International, Inc)

Technical Resources International (TRI)is a well-respected technical services company with expertise in design and engineering, operations and maintenance management (including testing and operational readiness), construction management, and project management. TRI's team of professionals has played major roles in large-scale government and private sector energy generation projects, as well as in the nuclear, nuclear waste, and technology applications arenas. Specific areas of expertise include:

o Providing experienced project managers with a track record of managing projects on schedule and within budget.
o Preparing detailed project schedules using various computer software (including Primavera P3) with discrete activities reflecting the project's work breakdown structure (WBS).
o Preparing detailed project cost estimates organized around the WBS, such that costs are available by WBS element.
o Performing design and engineering analyses in all applicable engineering disciplines, from design inception through definitive design.
o Providing design oversight with an emphasis on constructability, operability and maintainability.
o Providing construction management services.
o Providing system startup, test, operational readiness and commissioning services, including operations and maintenance management.
o Providing procedure development and training services.

Address: 723 The Parkway
Richland, WA
Number of employees:65
Company type:privately held
Ownership 1:100% Nuvotec, Inc.
Year created:1995
Products: Analysis, Consultancy, Specialist Services:
CAD design
Installation services
Licensing - Regulatory
Operation (power plant)
Project preparation and management
Spare parts management

Civil Engineering:
Civil engineering

Conventional Inspection and Maintenance:
Electrical equipment maintenance
Filters maintenance and replacement
Inspection and maintenance services
Outage management services
Robotic equipment/manipulators
Spare parts management

Fuel Cycle and High Level Waste:
Fuel and HLW treatment technologies
HLW treatment
HLW treatment: Transuranic
HLW characterisation
HLW Interim storage
HLW storage
Spent fuel storage construction
Spent fuel storage design and engineering
Vitrification technology and equipment

Maintenance optimization
Nuclear industry traning

Waste (other than Fuel and High Level):
Liquid radwaste treatment
LLW/ILW waste treatment, conditioning and disposal equipment
LLW/ILW waste disposal services
Plasma furnaces
Waste engineering
Waste management consultant & engineering
Waste management systems design

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