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XRF Corporation

XRF Corporation manufactures lab quality analytical instrumentation to
detect gamma radiation and x-rays in the field. Our new R & D 100
Award winning ICS-4000 isotope characterization spectrometer, and
XRF/Pb x-ray fluorescence spectrometer for lead detection in painted
surfaces, dust and soil use Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT) detectors and
advanced surface mount technology. These compact, high resolution
instruments can be used in the field for gamma-ray spectroscopy, isotope identification and materials analysis applications. Custom detectors and application specific products can be developed to meet your needs.

Address: 490 Broadway, ste. 4
Somerville, MA
Number of employees:5
Company type:privately held
Ownership 1:Tom Hazlett
Ownership 2:Dexter Eames
Year created:1994
Products: Laboratory, Test and Research Reactor Equipment:
Laboratory equipment
Materials testing equipment

Nuclear Instrumentation and Radiation Detection:
Beta detectors
Gamma detectors
Gamma-Ray analysis software
Gammaspectrometers/Multi Channel Analyzers
Gammaspectrometers/Multi Channel Analyzers (portable)
Off-site radioactivity monitoring system
Radiation detection engineering
X-ray detection and measurement

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