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Hopewell Designs, Inc.

Hopewell Designs, Inc. is the national leader in automated irradiator systems. Manufactured specifically to meet the demands of the nuclear health physics industry, Hopewell Designs, Inc. line of automated irradiator systems includes gamma beam, x-ray, neutron, box, and panoramic irradiators used for irradiating and calibrating a vast array of radiation survey meters and personnel dosimeters.

Hopewell works closely with the customer to fully understand the application, and utilizes existing; proven technologies to manufacture a system that exactly matches the customers’ specific requirements at a reasonable price.

Hopewell Designs, Inc. is also pleased to offer a complete line of lead products such as: shipping containers, transfer shields, x-ray shielded rooms and enclosures. Our staff has extensive experience in shielding design, lead casting and radiation protection.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: 5940 Gateway Drive
Number of employees:11
Ownership 1:100% Hopwell Designs, Inc.
Year created:1994
Products: Conventional Inspection and Maintenance:
Radiographic inspection (Gamma)
Radiographic inspection (Neutron)
Radiographic inspection (X-ray)

Health Physics (other than Radiation Detection):
Alpha/Beta shielding
Lead shielding
Neutron dosimeters and associated services
Neutron shielding
Shielding engineering and design

Irradiation / Sources / Accelerators:
Sources: calibration

Laboratory, Test and Research Reactor Equipment:
Irradiation sample transfer equipment
Materials testing equipment
Neutron Activation Analysis calibration materials

Nuclear Instrumentation and Radiation Detection:
Gamma detectors
Gamma-Ray analysis software
Ion chambers
Neutron beam monitors
Testing, Calibration, Maintenance
X-ray detection and measurement

Transport and Containers:
A type container
Containers/casks handling equipment
Neutron source containers
Packaging design and engineering
Shield inserts

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