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JEMA - Jesus Maria Aguirre, SA

JEMA offers customized solutions required by industry from power electronics field. We design and manufacture every type of high range static power converters, generally between 10 kVA and several MVA: rectifiers, battery chargers, inverters, UPS, stabilizers, active filters, SVC's, etc.

These systems are characterized by its robustness, reliability, efficiency and quality. They are fully oriented towards professional industrial applications, under top demanding requirements. In particular, our products have to match with many national, international and customer's norms, standards and regulations.

JEMA products are mainly used to feed different loads or installations, in the most reliable and suitable way. Specific applications are:
- particle accelerators and nuclear fusion reactors laboratories
- test facilities
- power plants: nuclear, combined cycle, diesel, coal, hydro, etc.
- OIL & LNG facilities
- grid quality: energy transport and distribution (SVC's, active filters, stabilizers)
- renewables: wind and photovoltaic power plants

The aim of JEMA is to be close to the customer, offering our high capability to design and develop the most suitable solution for him. More than half of our staff is university degree. Almost a third of our human resources belongs to our Engineering and R&D Departments. An expert, motivated and effective team is available for you, ready to meet continuously new challenges.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: Paseo del Circuito 10, LASARTE-ORIA (GIPUZKOA)
Number of employees:90
Company type:limited
Ownership 1:100% company 'Grupo JEMA'

Year created:1953
Qualifications:ISO 9001

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