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Autoscribe Informatics

Autoscribe Limited is a world leader in the development and supply of successful LIMS (Laboratory Information Management Systems) and software solutions for the scientific laboratory and business markets. Autoscribe originally pioneered its unique configuration tools for the LIMS market and today Matrix LIMS software is seen as the industry standard LIMS to which others aspire.

Autoscribe offers a wide portfolio of standard LIMS and off the shelf, scaleable LIMS, fully configurable LIMS products for Stability Study Management, Training Record Management, Resource Planning, Nuclear Industry LIMS for District Surveys, Chemistry and Liquid Discharge, Water / WasteWater Management LIMS, PET and Radiopharmacy Labs, LIMS for the Food Industry, Environmental Monitoring LIMS, Instrument Calibration and Maintenance, Sample Tracking, Customer Complaints and Feedback Management. All of these LIMS products can be fully integrated with Autoscribe's Matrix GeminiTM LIMS or may be integrated with home grown or 3rd party LIMS systems allowing customers to grow the system as their business needs change.

Autoscribe's Matrix GeminiTM LIMS and our Scientific and Business software solutions are:

Faster to Implement
Easier to Use
Better by Design offering Better Returns on Investment
Designed for Business Change

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: 1-2 Vensu House
Calleva Park
Reading, Berkshire
Year created:1981

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