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Guyson International Ltd

Guyson International Limited is a privately owned family company and is the largest independent manufacturer of blast cleaning and aqueous wash equipment in Europe, supplying blast equipment, washplant and consumable products to a wide customer base around the world.

We also have two international subsidiary companies: Guyson Corporation of the USA, a manufacturing and distribution company in New York State, and Société Parisienne d'Outillage, a sales and distribution company in Paris, France, together with a network of distributors throughout Europe and other export markets.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: Snaygill Industrial Estate
Keighley Road
North Yorks
BD23 2QR
Number of employees:120
Company type:private
subsidiaries:Guyson Corporation of the USA, a manufacturing and distribution company in New York State.

Guyson SA, a sales and distribution company in Paris, France.

Guyson also have a Hose & Couplings Division, which manufacturers and sells Hansen couplings and Kaptech hose products.

Year created:1938
Qualifications:ISO 9001:2000
Products: Cleaning / Decontamination:
Cleaning/Decontamination equipment
Industrial cleaning equipment and services
Mechanical cleaning/decontamination

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