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Transco Products Inc.

For over 50 years Transco Products Inc. has been delivering solutions for the safety, efficiency and security demands of nuclear power plants by providing engineered solutions and customized products. With materials and systems in service at every operating nuclear power station in the United States, Transco has continued to expand its presence in international markets with products and services at over 150 plants worldwide.

Transco Products Inc. has a long history with experience second to none contributing to the company’s ability to gain a deep understanding of both customer and industry needs. Best known for its metal reflective insulation (MRI), Transco also offers emergency core cooling systems (ECCS), a full line of passive fire protection materials, and gamma/neutron shielding products. In addition to design and manufacturing, Transco is experienced in providing full turnkey solutions from design to manufacturing to removal and installation. Transco offers the experience, capability and the specialized expertise for installation and engineering services including on-site technical representatives and engineers for input on specification development.

With a rich history of innovation, many of the solutions engineered for our customers are now the industry standard. Whether it’s an equipment upgrade, new plant construction or ongoing maintenance and outage support, Transco is at the forefront of safety and innovation for the nuclear power generation industries.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: 55 E. Jackson Blvd.
Suite 2100
Chicago, IL
Number of employees:100
Company type:Inc.
Ownership 1:100% Transco Inc.
Year created:1936
Qualifications: NUPIC Audited 10CFR50 Appendix B, 10CFR Part21, NIAC member 128, ISO 9001:2008

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